
Pregnancy and Meditation

Pregnancy and Meditation

Pregnancy and Meditation

Pregnancy is an excellent opportunity to start practicing meditation. It helps manage negative emotions, reduce stress, and achieve calmness and well-being. Learning to deeply relax and breathe properly during meditation will improve circulation, ensuring your baby gets the necessary oxygen. Additionally, meditation provides a valuable “bonus” – closer communication with your baby.

How Meditation Benefits a Pregnant Woman:

• Reduced Back Muscle Strain: Relaxing the body lessens the strain on back muscles.
• Stabilized Blood Pressure: Meditation helps maintain stable blood pressure.
• Reduced Tension and Fear: It alleviates tension and fears about childbirth.
• Outlet for Increased Sensitivity: Your heightened sensitivity will find a healthy outlet.

How to Meditate Properly:

The most important aspect is to relax as deeply as possible. You don’t need to sit in a lotus position, fold your fingers, or light incense and candles. Find a comfortable position and include anything that helps you relax in your "must-have" list of attributes.

• Avoid Movement: Keep your back straight.
• Focus on Your Sensations: Stay present in your body.
• Maintain Awareness: Falling asleep is not the goal; it is essential to remain conscious while relaxed to achieve the unique benefits of meditation.

Maintaining Awareness:

• Observe Thoughts: Don’t delve into thoughts that arise; instead, observe them pass by. There’s no need to force yourself to meditate for a set period, but aim for at least 10 minutes in a meditative state.
• Start with Breathing: Inhale through your nose, mentally following the airflow as it enters, fills your lungs, and exits. Focus on your breath for a few minutes before proceeding with the practice.

Meditation Practices:

Meditation “Baby Inside Me”:

1. Sit comfortably (in a position that allows you to stay still for about 15-20 minutes) with a straight back. Close your eyes and relax, focusing on your breath for about 5 minutes.
2. Find your baby within you, focusing on their body: see their torso, legs, arms, head.
3. Feel the warmth and comfort your baby experiences inside the womb, floating in amniotic fluid.
4. Imagine your baby hearing your heartbeat and voice: sing a soft melody; they will hear it and smile. Smile back at them, knowing they see your smile.
5. Feel the connection between your sensations and your baby's, and stay in this unity for a few more minutes.
6. Open your eyes while keeping the feeling of unity within.

Meditation “Light for the Baby”:

1. Sit comfortably on a chair with your feet flat on the floor (in a position that allows you to stay still for about 15-20 minutes) with a straight but relaxed back. Close your eyes and relax, focusing on your breath for about 5 minutes.
2. Focus on your baby’s body. Then shift your attention to your body, imagining a warm cosmic light entering through your crown and filling you with each breath.
3. This light penetrates deep inside, filling you and your baby with warmth. The baby enjoys the light, feeling happy and playful.
4. Now imagine Earth’s energy entering through your feet, rising up your legs, and finally mixing with the warm cosmic light inside your womb.
5. These two energies create a protective cocoon for your baby, making them feel secure and cared for by the whole world.
6. Stay in this state for a while. Then slowly open your eyes.

Meditation “Meeting the Baby”:

1. Sit comfortably (in a position that allows you to stay still for about 15-20 minutes) with a straight back. Close your eyes and relax, focusing on your breath for about 5 minutes.
2. Turn your attention inward to your baby’s body, visualizing their current appearance.
3. Try to feel your baby’s sensations, understanding their growth, strength, and development.
4. Sense the unity between you and your baby, knowing you are together. The surrounding world supports both of you.
5. Share your feelings with the Universe: your joy that your baby will soon come to you, how you will embrace them, and give them warmth and love. Embrace your baby now, letting them know their journey from the womb to the world will be smooth. They are awaited here.
6. Stay in this state for a while. Then slowly open your eyes.

Meditation during pregnancy helps you connect with your baby, manage stress, and prepare for childbirth with a calm and positive mindset.

Kimberly-Clark makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical or other health professional advice.